EarthSMP is no more!
We're giving a warm welcome to SMP!
- Added Visual Crafting
- Added Items above some NPCs
- Mobs now crawl out of the ground when spawning
- New spawn
- Added more realistic villagers
- You can now start a family
- You can now get married
- You can now get divorced
- Villagers actually do the jobs that they are supposed to do
- Villagers have names
- You can choose what bed a villager sleeps in
- You can choose for villagers to follow you - Added Crypto Currencies
- /btc
- /bch
- /eth
- /etc
- /doge
- /ltc
- /usdt - Recoded warps
- Simplified warp menu
- Added Parkour
- /warp parkour
- Includes money rewards! - Fixed "NPC" displaying below NPCs
- Fixed issue where MH-Proxy was not allowing connections