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Welcome to CarbonMC's Wiki.

This is where you will find the answers to questions you may have. If you notice something is incorrect or missing, please create a ticket on our Discord.

Last edited by:
koqel4 months ago

What is CarbonMC?

Carbon is an EarthSMP Minecraft Server! This means that the world is a replica of Earth! Check us out using the IP carbonmc.net!

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koqel2 months ago

When is CarbonMC releasing?

As of right now we do not have an answer to this. We are working hard on getting it ready though!

Check out our Discord to see some sneakpeaks and get more information.

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koqel2 months ago

Can I request a refund on something I've purchased?

No, CarbonMC does not offer any refunds for any reason. If you have an issue with your purchase you may contact us on Discord here.

If you chargeback, you will receive a permanent, non-appealable blacklist

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koqel2 months ago

Did not receive

If you did not receive the item that you purchased, please create a ticket on our Discord. Be prepared to provide us with your username and transaction ID. 

Last edited by:
koqel3 months ago

Custom Tag

Once you have purchased your 1x Custom Tag Token, follow these steps:

  1. Go in game and wait for your purchase to go through 
  2. Once it has gone through, type /customtag
  3. Click the green plus (+) and enter the format of your tag in chat 
  4. Type /customtag again and check for the paper, if it says the status is undecided, staff haven't approved your tag yet 
  5. If it has been more than 24 hours and your tag hasn't been approved, create a ticket on Discord
  6. Once your tag has been approved, type /customtag and select your tag!


  • If your tag has been denied, that means it is inappropriate in some way. If we have made a mistake, please create a ticket on Discord
  • If you want to change your tag at any point, type /customtag and press your drop button and it will delete it. After, follow the same steps as above.

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koqel3 months ago


Types of disasters:

  • Sinkholes - The terrain around the player begins to fall to the depths of the world into pools of lava
  • Earthquakes - The world cracks and forms pools of lava at bedrock, throwing all players and mobs around with tremors for the bigger earthquakes
  • Tornadoes - Wind rapidly spins, pulling blocks and entities around throwing them far and high into the sky
  • Cave Ins - The roof caves in over you and crushes you, watch out when you go deep in a cave to prevent this
  • Water Geysers - A boiling hot water spurt from deep within the earth launches you to the high skies, the water is hot and burns to touch
  • Lava Geysers - A burst of lava launches you through the pits of the nether, burning to touch
  • Acid Rain - Acidic rain that falls from the sky burning all players and mobs, melting metal; so make sure not to drop your tools!
  • Extreme Winds - Strong winds which send players and mobs flying throughout the map. It is best to hide underground 
  • Soul Storms - Storms made of lost souls in the nether, some souls are hostile and deadly
  • Blizzards - Freezing cold storms that will freeze mobs and players in solid ice. Mobs can be thawed out after the storm, but you will need to keep warm
  • Sand Storms - Very strong gusts of wind that blow sand everywhere, making the desert truly dead
  • Black Plague - Deadly disease that can spread from mobs with a very low survival rate unless you craft the cure 
  • Tsunamis - A dangerous burst of water that will make ocean traveling much more dangerous
  • Meteor Showers - The sky turns dark and meteors come falling from the sky causing massive destruction
  • End Storms - Violent storms caused by unstable rifts, releasing dangerous creatures from the deepest pits of the void
  • Hurricanes - Dangerous winds spiral out of control creating a massive tropical storm
  • Purges - Dangerous mobs gather to hunt a player and will not stop until the player has been killed
  • Solar Storms - Very dangerous storms that rain fire and flares all over the world, burning everything for twice as long and the soil itself
  • Monsoons - Very heavy rainfall that drowns mobs and causes massive flooding damage to the environment
  • Infested Caves - Deep living infestation growth of caves creating pockets of infested mobs to kill wanderers. Warden can also spawn and move throughout the infestation.

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koqel3 months ago

Custom Mobs

Want to see your progress in discovering mobs? Type /discoveries!

List of normal custom mobs:

  • Bear
  • Dog
  • Giraffe
  • Octopus
  • Demon
  • Gorilla
  • Robot
  • Duck
  • Reindeer
  • Wyvern
    - Legendary Dragon
  • Frog
  • Raccoon
  • Tiger
  • Raptor
  • Monkey
  • Zebra
  • Mammoth
  • Flamingo
  • Panda
  • Snail
  • Hippo
  • Squid
  • Turtle
  • Giant
  • Tadpole
  • Otter

List of Special Mobs:

  Endstorm Mobs-

  • End Totem: A unique mob from the void that can sense disasters before they happen. These creatures spawn during end storms. Baby versions can be tamed with ghast tears and healed with chorus fruit. They will spin violently if they are within 100 blocks of where a disaster is about to occur. To obtain this pet you must use a void shard to open a rift that void mobs will spawn out of. Void shards are a rare drop from end totems 
  • End Worm: Large creatures that burrow underground and attack their prey from below. End Worms spawn in end storms and can be attacked when they pop out of the ground
  • Void Guardian: These are dangerous creatures that guard the void, they have lots of health and naturally heal very quickly. Void Guardians do more damage when they have less health, and when their health is below 50%, they enter a rage mode where they do a lot more damage and run very quickly. They have a rare chance to drop their sword or shield
  • Void Archer: These archers are dangerous creatures of the void with strong abilities. They can open a rift to teleport away when damaged. Void Archers carry bows that are capable of opening unstable rifts, they have a rare chance of dropping them when killed
  • Void Stalker: Unknown creates that have no physical body and fly around during end storms. Upon being damaged by these creatures, the prey is blinded and slowed

  Sandstorm Mobs-

  • Ancient Skeleton: These are ancient skeletons buried deep down in deserts and come out during sandstorms. They raise their own skeleton armies to fight for them and can shoot fire spells at their prey. Has a chance to drop ancient bones when killed
  • Ancient Mummy: Creatures from ancient times that are cursed to roam the earth forever and blindly attack anyone they see. When they first see their prey, they do a quick charge attack, upon being damaged by these creatures the prey is given a weakness. They have a chance to drop ancient cloth when killed

  Soulstorm Mobs-

  • Lost Soul: Souls of the dead that got lost and wander in the nether forever. They are seen during soul storms and attack players to try and steal their bodies to return to life
  • Soul Reaper: Strange entities that only exist to hunt lost souls. Not much is known about these but they are rarely seen during soul storms. They seem to only hunt lost souls and are not aggressive unless provoked. Has a rare chance to drop their scythes upon death.

  Purge Mobs-

  • Dark Mage: Ancient mages that have lived for centuries and practiced dark magic. They will use the powers of their wand to attack and can also fire a defensive shot at attackers when their health is low. Has a rare chance to drop the dark mage wand
  • Skeleton Knight: Intelligent skeletons that ride skeleton horses and attack like knights
  • Tunneller: Very intelligent zombies that are capable of mining and building to reach their targets. You cannot run from these. These zombies can break paths to wherever you are hiding and can also water bucket to avoid taking damage
  • Zombie Knight: Intelligent zombies that have tamed horses they infected and found weapons and armor to attack like knights
  • Swamp Beast: Monsters of the swamp that create mud pits around their prey which prevent movement from most creatures. Swamp beasts can also traverse the dirt to reach far away prey
  • Shadow Leech: Small leeches that lurk in the shadows and leap at their prey. Once attached to their prey, shadow leeches suck the blood, ignoring any armor protection. Shadow leeches are severely damaged by light so make sure to stay out of the shadows. Blood leeches are more rare variants of shadow leeches and are covered in too much blood for light to harm them. They are much faster and do a lot more damage

  Snowstorm Mobs- 

  • Yeti: Deadly beasts that roam in blizzards and are very hostile. They can smash the ground and roar creating a freezing area to nearby entities and they can leap towards their pray. Has a chance to drop yeti fur

  Solar Storm Mobs:

  • Fire Phantom: Flying phantoms from the nether that have raging fury and create small fire tornadoes around them. All who gets too close are lit on fire, and they can also ignite blocks. When a fire phantom is killed it spews out small fires that set ablaze any entities who get too close and burn until they die

  Monsoon Mobs-

  • Cursed Diver: These are long-lost corpses of divers that carry a very powerful trident with them. They have a chance to drop Poseidon's Trident upon death

  Infested Mobs-

  • Infested Tribesman: These little creatures are ancient tribesmen from a lost society that have been infected and live on forever. They travel in packs and work together, they can use a variety of weapons. Some may carry bows with poison arrows. Tribesmen are smart and can ride each other to attack together or give their archers a better shot]
  • Infested Worm: Dangerous worms lurk in the walls of caves and strike when their prey is close. They will grab any prey close by and pull them into the walls of the cave. If a worm is part of an infested cave, it will drag its prey to the cave's warden
  • Infested Devourer: These strange creatures are very fast and deadly with powerful jaws. They leap toward their prey for faster maneuvers and dodges, then do massive damage and crush armor with their powerful jaws. They crush blocks placed by players in infested caves, creating an opening to attack. Chance for alpha devourers to spawn which are much stronger and faster
  • Infested Howler: These small creatures do not attack their prey but rather scream when close, alerting all nearby mobs of your location. Their eyes emerge when close to their prey. Infested Howler screams can even summon a warden
  • Infested Creeper: Creepers that have been infected by the infestation and have a larger explosion radius
  • Infested Zombie: Zombies that have been infected by the infestation
  • Infested Enderman: Enderman that have been infected by the infestation and are very hostile
  • Infested Spirit: Souls of the dead that could not rest and got infected by the infestation

  Christmas Mobs-

  • Elf: Elves travel in small groups, they work together. Some carry bows with explosive firepower. Has a rare chance to drop an ornament
  • Frosty: A living snowman. Frosty is immune to projectiles, shoots blinding snowballs that deal lots of damage, can freeze the ground towards a player immobilizing them on ice, and can burrow through the snow and ice to try and reach his targets from afar. Has a rare chance to drop a broken snow globe
  • Grinch: Oh how the grinch stole Christmas! The Grinch will throw his candy cane at players to teleport where it lands and if it hits its target, the Grinch will steal some of their life for himself since his heart is two sizes too small. He is very fast and deadly. Has a rare chance to drop his candy cane weapon
  • Santa: The boss fight for the Christmas event. He will throw presents while fighting that contain different deadly surprises. To summon Santa you must craft a snow globe in a crafting table from the candy cane, ornament, and a snow globe. When the snow globe is placed, it will summon Santa. Santa has a guaranteed chance to drop the Santa hat which when worn summons three Elves to protect the wearer at all times.

  Easter Mobs-

  • Killer Chicken: Bloodthirsty chicken that will attack players on site, has a 10% chance of spawning over a regular chicken during the Easter event, and is also hatched from eggs the Easter Bunny drops
  • Rampaging Goat: A very angry goat that will ram anything that gets too close to it. Has a 20% chance to spawn over a goat during the Easter event. Drops a red egg if the player has not yet already received one
  • Easter Bunny: The boss fight for the Easter event. Spawned in by placing an Easter basket down. The Easter Bunny will launch explosive carrots at nearby players. The Easter Bunny can also leap really high into the sky an will slam down on the ground dealing massive damage to nearby players. He can also place eggs that will hatch into killer chickens to help him. He will drop a golden egg which can be combined with any boots to imbue special abilities. 

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koqelabout 1 month ago

Custom Items

  • Plague Cure
  • Voids Wrath: An unstable weapon that when fully charged, the arrows create unstable rifts which pull anything nearby into the void. These weapons are a rare drop from void archers
  • Ancient Blade: An old relic imbued with ancient fire magic, can cast fire spells that burn all in its path. Can only be crafted with a netherite sword, nether star, 3 ancient bones, and 2 ancient cloth
  • Soul Ripper: A lethal scythe that summons lost souls to fight alongside its user. Obtained as a rare drop from Soul Reapers
  • Dark Mage Wand: The wand of an ancient dark mage capable of using unstable dark magic when right-clicked. After casting magic the player can change the velocity of the bullets by moving in any direction. Rare drop from dark mages
  • Yeti Fur: Fur dropped from Yeti's. Can be combined with any chestplate in an anvil to apply the Yeti's blessing enchant
  • Candy Cane: Dropped by Grinches during the Christmas event. Slightly better stats than a diamond sword. Used to craft the snow globe 
  • Broken Snow Globe: Shattered empty snow globe. Dropped by Frosty during the Christmas event. Used to craft the Snow Globe
  • Ornament: Shiny decoration dropped by Elves during the Christmas event. Used to craft the Snow Globe, and also used to repair the Santa hat in the anvil
  • Snow Globe: The snow globe is crafted from the candy cane, ornament, and broken snow globe in any order. When placed down will summon the Santa boss
  • Santa Hat: The Santa Hat is dropped by the Santa boss. When worn, three elves are summoned to protect the wearer. Can only be repaired in anvils with ornaments
  • Easter Egg Basket: The Easter Basket is crafted by putting all 5 unique colored Easter eggs into a crafting table during the Easter event. When placed down it will summon the Easter Bunny boss
  • Golden Easter Egg: Obtained by defeating the Easter Bunny Boss. Can be combined with any pair of boots in an anvil to grant special abilities
  • Green Lightsaber: Glowing green blade that only true masters can wield
  • Stasis Gun: Strange futuristic gun with time altering properties
  • Energy Drink: Super energized drink that grants temporary speed, jump, and health buffs
  • Booster Pack: Small feather filled with jet fuel
  • Safety Net: Small portable platform, single use. You can always rely on this thing to have your back
  • Heart Crystal: Crystalized Heart from a strange creature. Right click to permanently increase your health
  • Med Kit: Portable first aid kit, might just save your life sometime. Restores 8 hearts and is single use
  • Propulsion Cannon: very unstable ball, be careful while holding it. Throw this to create a propulsion blast where it lands
  • Matter Swap: Strange clump of matter that displaces reality. Can be used to swap your position with another entity. Will be consumed on successful use
  • Blinding Trap: Use on an opponent or create to temporarily disorient them for 10 seconds. Will be consumed on successful use
  • Lumberjack's Axe: Breaks down the whole tree
  • Enlightening Pack: 8 Experience bottles
  • Anduril: Hold for speed and resistance - Sharpness II
  • Bagel: Eat it to gain positive effects!
  • Saddle
  • Hasty Pickaxe: A pickaxe that lets you quickly mine - Fortune II, Efficiency V, Unbreaking I 

Last edited by:
koqel2 months ago


Trading can be started by shift+right clicking a player or by doing /trade <player>

While in a trade, you can trade money, experience, and items.

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koqelabout 1 month ago


The current list of Minions and what they do can be seen below:

  • Slayer: Kills mobs within it's range
  • Miner: Mines blocks from stone generators within it's range
  • Collector: Collects all dropped items within it's range
  • Fisher: Fishes from nearby water
  • Farmer: Harvests nearby crops
  • Seller: Sells items from a container
  • Lumber: Breaks trees within it's range

How to use more than one chest to store minion's items?

  • Use a singular chest, and then take hoppers from that chest into other chests

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koqelabout 1 month ago